Sustainable change cannot be achieved unless they are reflected in the regulations and behaviour of government institutions. AJAR works in contexts where dictatorships and authoritarian regimes have left deep scars in government institutions, the courts, and the judiciary, leaving them corrupt, weak and inefficient. It therefore seeks out and identifies influential voices in government to participate in trainings and workshops on institutional reform.

Regional: Asia-Pacific Communities Showing the Way in Peacebuilding – Building Bridges, Not Just Treaties
Reconciliation agreements and grand ceremonies between warlords have not sealed the peace, as too many have found in post-conflict societies. …

Myanmar: AJAR Commemorates World Refugee Day with Series of Events Highlighting Myanmar Crisis
Chiang Mai, Thailand, 13 June 2024 – Amidst the ongoing crisis in Myanmar, triggered by the military coup in 2021,…

Germany: Indonesian and German Youth Activists Building Transnational Bridges, Solidarity for Remembrance
Berlin, Germany, 30 May 2024 – In late May 2024, Berlin welcomed a group of eight young human rights activists…

Indonesia: What We, Community Representatives, Learned through Attending Movies that Matter
This article is written by our friends Yedida Letedara and Crispianus Sebleku of Komunitas Film Kupang. Together, AJAR and the…

Indonesia: AJAR, Komunitas Film Kupang Showcase Documentary of Survivors Stories at Movies that Matter
1 April 2024, The Hague, The Netherlands — A selection of documentary film projects on human rights and social or…

Timor-Leste: History Teachers in Trained on Human Rights, Reconciliation, and Peacebuilding
Dili, Timor-Leste, 27 March 2024 — At the end of March, Asia Justice and Rights assisted the Centro Nacional Chega!…

Regional: Searching the Path to Perpetual Peace – Asia-Pacific Organisations Collaborate to Strengthen and Sustain Peace and Guarantees of Non-Recurrence
From 9 to 14 October 2023, an international summit bringing together a regional network of individuals and organisations for truth,…

13 Years of Indonesian-Timor-Leste CTF Report; Indonesian-Timor Leste Community Initiative Responds to Limited Role of the State in Continuing KKP Recommendations
23 July 2021 – In Indonesia, thousands of children from Timor-Leste (now already adults) are still separated from their families…

[WEBINAR] Hutan dan Jati Diri Perempuan Papua: Forests and Papuan Women Identity
Jakarta, 29 Maret 2021 – There has been a widespread phenomenon of palm-turned-forests in Papua. Unfortunately, the impact it has…

16 Tahun Berlalu, Berapa Lama Lagi yang Dibutuhkan untuk Menemukan Pembunuh Munir?
Memperingati 16 tahun pembunuhan aktivis Hak Asasi Manusia Munir bin Thalib Jakarta, Indonesia, 7 September 2020 — Tepat 16 tahun…

[Press Release] Asia Justice and Rights (AJAR), Assosiasaun Chega Ba Ita (ACbit) and Centro Nacional Chega! (CNC) is hosting a 20-Year Commemoration of the Referendum, Timor-Leste.
Asia Justice and Rights (AJAR), Assosiasaun Chega Ba Ita (ACbit) and Centro Nacional Chega! (CNC) is hosting a 20-Year Commemoration…

[Press Release]“Find and Reunite the Children” Commission of Truth and Friendship (CTF) Recommendations: 11 Years On
Jakarta, 15 July 2019 – On 15 July 2008, the Commission of Truth and Friendship (CTF) Indonesia–Timor-Leste submitted its final…

‘Centro Nacional Chega!: Time to Focus on Survivors’ Policy Paper Launch on the Second-Year Anniversary of the Centro Nacional Chega!
Second-Year Anniversary of the Centro Nacional Chega! Keeping the Promise for Truth, Justice, and Healing in Timor-Leste 17 July 2019…

Indonesia: Global Initiatives for Justice, Truth and Reconciliation Site-Visit Day
“The Aceh TRC has a mandate for exhumation, but in terms of budget and resources, they are even struggling to…

Mobilising Youth for Change: AJAR Timor-Leste’s Human Rights and Social Justice School for Young Changemakers
Ines Maia is a 27-year-old from Bobonaro District, Timor-Leste. Already an active member of a student group, Ines took a…

Timor-Leste: Mobilising Youth for Change — AJAR’s Human Rights and Social Justice School for Young Changemakers
Ines Maia is a 27-year-old from Bobonaro District, Timor-Leste. Already an active member of a student group, Ines took a…

AJAR’s Partner Vimutti Women’s Organization Launches Participatory Action Research Report
[quote]The violence that we faced was not only the brutal torture during our arrest, but also the discrimination from our communities afterward….

10 Years of Commission of Truth and Friendship of Indonesia and Timor-Leste (Infographic)
15 July 2018 marks the 10th anniversary of Per Memoriam Ad Spem [Through Memory towards Hope], the final report of…

Press Release: A Disappearing Promise, 10 Years of Commission of Truth and Friendship of Indonesia and Timor Leste
Press Release A Disappearing Promise: Commission on Disappeared Persons 10 Years of Commission of Truth and Friendship of Indonesia and…

International Educators’ Workshop on Strengthening the Capacity for Education on History and Violence Prevention, Dili, Timor-Leste
AJAR, Centro Nacional Chega! (CNC), and the International Coalition of Sites of Conscience (ICSC) conducted an “International Educators’ Workshop on…