Donate now to help defend human rights & save lives.

Support rights and justice for all — Asia Justice and Rights is working for a fairer and more accountable world, free from impunity. Every dollar you give helps strengthen human rights in Asia and the Pacific.

You can become an AJAR supporter by making one-off, weekly, monthly, or quarterly payments, automatically deducted from your account, or by direct debit, using our secure donation form:

All donations are tax-deductible. In Indonesia and Timor-Leste, AJAR is registered as a non-profit foundation. In Australia, AJAR is a non-profit with DGR (Deductible Gift Recipient) status. See our link to Australia’s Raisely fundraising platform. In USA, donations can be sent to AJAR through Myriad USA, (previously Give2Asia), a fundraising organization with 501(c)(3) status. See Donation Button below.

AJAR is funded by international donors like the United Nations, and the European Union, as well as by governments like the Netherlands, Sweden, Switzerland, and the United States. The organisation also relies on the generous support of foundations and NGOs like Open Society Foundation, Ford Foundation, Bread for the World, and Misereor. But, most importantly, AJAR relies on individuals to sustain its daily operations. Without your generosity, the organisation could not survive.

Your donations pay for the daily running costs of the organisation, enabling it to support survivors of atrocities, helping them heal and re-enter society, documenting their testimonies, and bringing their stories to the world’s attention. We are a non-profit organisation and 70% of our financial resources are allocated to building a safer and more accountable world, free from impunity, while only 30% is spent on general management and fundraising.

In 2021, 32% of program expenditure was spent in Myanmar, 17% in Bangladesh supporting Rohingya refugees, 12% in Timor-Leste, 20% in Indonesia, and the rest on regional advocacy and networking programs across the region.

All donations are tax-deductible. In Australia where AJAR has non-profit DGR status, all donations over AUD$2.00 is subjected tax deduction.

In the USA, the donation is tax deductible as well, provided to AJAR through 501(3)(c) organisation Give2Asia.

A tax deduction receipt will be sent to donation giver’s email address automatically.