53 Results
We are just floating on water without an identity: Fulfilling ASEAN’s mandate to protect Rohingya genocide survivors in their quest for rights and accountability
Since April 2023, Asia Justice and Rights (AJAR), in partnership..
Peulara Damèe: A Plain Guide
The full Findings Report of the Aceh Truth and Reconciliation..
Tidak Ada Pemulihan tanpa Pengakuan
AJAR wrote this paper based on reflections from 18 survivors..
Dokumen Masukan atas Pembangunan Memorialisasi Rumoh Geudong
This document, authored by KontraS Aceh, PASKA Aceh, and AJAR,..
Mapping Commemorative Cultural Events, Best Practices, and Lessons Learned
Learning from the Past for the Future Without Impunity
Asia Justice and Rights, KontraS Sulawesi, SKPHAM Sulteng, JPIT, CIS..
Urgent Steps to Ensure Right to Remedy for Victims of Sexual and Gender-based Violence in ASEAN
For over a year, the Transitional Justice Asia Network collected..
Comparative Research on Gender & Reparations in South-East Asia: Aceh, Indonesia
Aceh has maintained its formal peace after turbulent civil conflicts,..
Pathways to Transitional Justice in Indonesia: Victims’ Agency in the Face of Impunity
Shrinking civic space in Indonesia jeopardizes citizens' rights and hinders..