53 Results
1965 Symposium: Uphill Road to Truth, Rehabilitation
This article was written by Galuh Wandita, Director of Asia..
Briefing Papers on the Legacy of Mass Torture and the Challenge for Reform in Asia
Based on AJAR’s work with Legal Clinic Myanmar, Wimutti Volunteer..
Stone & Flower: A Guide to Understanding and Action for Women Survivors
"Stone & Flower: A Guide to Understanding and Action for..
Enduring Impunity: Women Surviving Atrocities in the Absence of Justice
Enduring Impunity captures the images and voices of 140 women..
Inconvenient Truth: The Fate of the Chega! and Per Memoriam Ad Spem Reports on Timor-Leste
Ten years after the Chega! report and seven years after..
Lessons from Aceh for Mindanao: Notes from the Field
This paper, written by Galuh Wandita, was first published as..
Preman Nation: Watching The Act of Killing in Indonesia
This paper was first published in the Journal of Critical..
Remembering My Beloved, Remembering My Pain: Victims of Atrocities Collect Photographs and Stories to Push for Change
For a quarter-century, the people of Aceh and East Timor..