Young people will be responsible for mapping and shaping the world of tomorrow and, in the context of an ever-changing world, they need to be equipped with the knowledge and capacity to discern what is true, consider all relevant information, and make sound strategic decisions.

Bangladesh: ICC Prosecutor Reaffirms Commitment to Justice for Rohingya Refugees During Visit to AJAR’s Learning Centre
ICC Prosecutor Karim Khan listens to Rohingya women refugee at AJAR Learning Centre © ICC-CPI Cox’s Bazar, Bangladesh, 26 November…

Germany: Challenges and Opportunities for Transitional Justice in Asia Discussed in Berlin
Berlin, Germany, 10 June 2024 – How do efforts for accountability and justice after conflict fare in the region where…

Germany: Indonesian and German Youth Activists Building Transnational Bridges, Solidarity for Remembrance
Berlin, Germany, 30 May 2024 – In late May 2024, Berlin welcomed a group of eight young human rights activists…

Indonesia: AJAR, Komunitas Film Kupang Showcase Documentary of Survivors Stories at Movies that Matter
1 April 2024, The Hague, The Netherlands — A selection of documentary film projects on human rights and social or…

Indonesia: Anak Muda di Kamp Eks Timor Timur, Merajut Nasib pada Negeri yang Dijanjikan
Puluhan anak-anak muda eks Timor Timur di Kupang berkumpul dan dengan bangga menuturkan kisah hidup mereka dalam sebuah pameran karya…

Indonesia: A Joint Call from People’s Forum to Reclaim Safe Space, Restore Democracy and Equity across ASEAN and Beyond
Asia Justice and Rights (AJAR) and civil society organisations of South-East Asia gathered together at Atma Jaya Catholic University, Jakarta,…

Indonesia: An Intergenerational Learning of Inheriting Memories, Challenging Injustice
AJAR, together with the Community Learning Center (CLC), launched the unveiling of social analysis results and the screening of a…

Timor-Leste: AJAR Mourns Sisto dos Santos
Sisto dos Santos, or Maun Sisto as we dearly called him, was a brave activist who dedicated his life to…

Regional: Network of Rights and Memory Initiatives Gathers for “Protecting Ethnic and Cultural Diversity in the Asia and Pacific Region” Summit in Indonesia
From 25 to 30 September 2022, Asia Justice and Rights (AJAR), the International Coalition of Sites of Conscience (ICSC), and…

[WEBINAR] Hutan dan Jati Diri Perempuan Papua: Forests and Papuan Women Identity
Jakarta, 29 Maret 2021 – There has been a widespread phenomenon of palm-turned-forests in Papua. Unfortunately, the impact it has…

[Press Release] International Accountability Mechanisms for Myanmar
Following the landmark order issued by the International Court of Justice (ICJ) concerning Myanmar, Asia Justice and Rights (AJAR) releases…

Exhibition: Progress and Challenges of Accountability in Asia: Global Initiatives for Justice, Truth and Reconciliation Site-Visit Day.
“The Aceh TRC has a mandate for exhumation, but in terms of budget and resources, they are even struggling to…

AJAR’s response to UN Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in Myanmar’s report
“Stop the talking, and start the doing!” – Ms Yanghee Lee, Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in…

Press Release – “Contesting the Promises of Reformasi (Reform): The Legacy of Impunity, the Postponement of Justice”
(Scroll down or click here to read the press release in English) Menggugat Janji Reformasi: Warisan Impunitas dan Tertundanya Keadilan…

Public Statement: Government of Indonesia must make public the 2005 fact-finding report on Munir’s case
JOINT PUBLIC STATEMENT 6 September 2017 Indonesia: Government must make public the 2005 fact-finding report on Munir’s case In commemorating…

Public Statement on the International Day of the Victims of Enforced Disappearances
PUBLIC STATEMENT 30 August 2017 Indonesia: Continuing failure in addressing enforced disappearances would worsen culture of impunity As people around…

A Drink for Humanity
by Pat Walsh Originally published on Inside Indonesia, February 20 2017 The Herb Feith Foundation gave its inaugural human…

Lack of Recognition and Redress for Victims of Torture Perpetuates Impunity
Torture and ill-treatment remain prevalent in Asia today. To mark International Day in Support of Victims of Torture and…

Regional: Empowering Survivors, Strengthening Accountability of Torture
Together with KontraS (Commission for the Disappeared and Victims of Violence) and National Peace Council of Sri Lanka, with support…

Sri Lanka: Building A Foundation to Support Transitional Justice Mechanisms Training
AJAR President Patrick Burgess delivered a series of training on transitional justice and its relevance to the Sri Lanka context…