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AJAR’s Partner Vimutti Women’s Organization Launches Participatory Action Research Report

[quote]The violence that we faced was not only the brutal torture during our arrest, but also the discrimination from our communities afterward....

Returning Home: Nine Stolen Children Reunited with their Families in Timor-Leste

Dili, Timor-Leste 7 December 2018 After 36 years, Moses Xavier finally returned to Timor-Leste. Choking with tears of emotion, he...

The Aceh Truth and Reconciliation Commission Public Hearing: Providing Space for Victims of Torture to Voice Their Truth and Hope

29 November 2018 Banda Aceh, Indonesia “I feel relieved,” said the first testifier when asked how he felt at the...

Strengthening Survivors, Moving Towards Accountability in Asia

Southeast Asian cities have much in common: urban sprawl, the hustle and bustle of daily life, colorful street flair, impossibly...

Regional: Strengthening Survivors, Moving Towards Accountability in Asia

Southeast Asian cities have much in common: urban sprawl, the hustle and bustle of daily life, colourful street flair, impossibly...

Nurturing Memory through the Rumoh Geudong Monument in Aceh, Indonesia

“Don’t Bury the Truth; Speak Even if not with Words!” The Rumoh Geudong monument was officially dedicated on 12 July...

Press Release—First-Year Anniversary of the Centro Nacional Chega!: Keeping the Promise for Truth, Justice, and Healing in Timor-Leste

First-Year Anniversary of the Centro Nacional Chega! Keeping the Promise for Truth, Justice, and Healing in Timor-Leste 17 July 2018...

10 Years of Commission of Truth and Friendship of Indonesia and Timor-Leste (Infographic)

15 July 2018 marks the 10th anniversary of Per Memoriam Ad Spem [Through Memory towards Hope], the final report of...

Press Release: A Disappearing Promise, 10 Years of Commission of Truth and Friendship of Indonesia and Timor Leste

Press Release A Disappearing Promise: Commission on Disappeared Persons 10 Years of Commission of Truth and Friendship of Indonesia and...