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Convention against Torture & other Cruel Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment (CAT)

In partnership with Legal Clinic Myanmar, AJAR published "Convention against Torture & other Cruel Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment...

Reuniting Timor Leste Children Stolen by Indonesia

“See this scar? I did that!” Peals of laughter and bright smiles erupt as Rosa’s brother touches her forehead gently,...

‘Stolen Children’ Revisit Tragic Past

Published on The Jakarta Post by Tama Salim “I want to hug & kiss my mother,” said Muhammad Yaqub, born...

A Reunion for Timor-Leste’s Stolen Children

Dili, 19 May 2016. “I want to hug and kiss my mother,” said Muhammad Yaqub, born as Manuel da Costa,...

Reuni Anak-Anak yang Dipisahkan Secara Paksa Dengan Keluarga

Dili, 16 Mei, 2016. Setelah terpisah selama 20-40 tahun, sebelas orang (3 laki-laki dan 7 perempuan) yang sewaktu masih anak...

1965 Symposium: Uphill Road to Truth, Rehabilitation

Written by AJAR's Director, Galuh Wandita. Last week an extraordinary thing took place in Jakarta. For the first time, survivors...

Pengakuan dan Pengungkapan Kebenaran bagi Korban 1965: Tuntutan untuk Reparasi Komprehensif di Indonesia

Tanggapan AJAR terhadap Simposium 1965 JAKARTA, April 19, 2016 Pada tanggal 18 – 19 April 2016, sebuah simposium yang diselengarakan...

Acknowledgement and Truth for 1965 Victims: A Call for Comprehensive Reparations in Indonesia

A response to the Symposium on 1965 in Indonesia JAKARTA, April 19, 2016   On 18-19 April 2016, Solidarity Forum...

Empowering Survivors, Strengthening Accountability of Torture

Together with KontraS (Commission for the Disappeared and Victims of Violence) and National Peace Council of Sri Lanka, with support...