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Still Denied: Right to Rehabilitation for Torture Victims During the Mass Detention of 1965 in Indonesia

In 2012, Indonesia’s National Commission on Human Rights concluded that the atrocities of 1965-1966 may amount to crimes against humanity,...

Indonesia: Close Gap between Rhetoric and Reality on 1965 Mass Human Rights Violations

Despite Indonesia's repeated commitments to address human rights violations committed in 1965 – such as extrajudicial executions, enforced disappearances and...

Workshop on Thematic Human Rights Topic Around the Asia Region

Asia Justice and Rights, Bridges Across Borders South East Asia Community Legal Education Initiative (BABSEACLE) and the Office of the UN...

Long Journey Home: The Stolen Children of Timor-Leste

Between 2013 and 2016 AJAR and its civil society partners collaborated with the national human rights institutions of Indonesia and...

AJAR Timor-Leste & ACbit’s Reflection on the International Day in Support of Victims of Torture

“We Gather to Break Away from the Legacy of Torture for the Next Generation” In respect to the International Day...

Myanmar: Commemorating International Day in Support of Victims of Torture

On 26 June 2016, Asia Justice and Rights (AJAR) and its partners ND-Burma, Wimutti Volunteer Group and Ta’ang Women Organization...

Timor-Leste: Reflection on the International Day in Support of Victims of Torture

In respect to the International Day in Support of Victims of Torture (26 June 2016), AJAR and ACbit composed a...

AJAR Myanmar Commemorating International Day in Support of Victims of Torture

On 26th June 2016, Asia Justice and Rights (AJAR) and its partners ND-Burma, Wimutti Volunteer Group and Ta'ang Women Organization...

Lack of Recognition and Redress for Victims of Torture Perpetuates Impunity

Torture and ill-treatment remain prevalent in Asia today.   To mark International Day in Support of Victims of Torture and...