15 July 2024

Indonesia/Timor-Leste: 16 Tahun Laporan “Per Memoriam Ad Spem” — Mengenang Harapan yang Tetap Ada, Di Tengah Komitmen yang Hilang

Jakarta, Indonesia, 15 Juli 2024 – 16 tahun telah berlalu sejak Komisi Kebenaran dan Persahabatan (KKP) Indonesia-Timor-Leste menyerahkan Laporan Akhir…

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26 June 2024

Indonesia: Organisasi Masyarakat Sipil Serahkan Temuan Situs Penyiksaan Aceh ke KKR, Desak Pelestarian Situs Sejarah Konflik

Banda Aceh, Indonesia, 26 Juni 2024 – Asia Justice and Rights, LBH Banda Aceh, KontraS Aceh, dan Yayasan PASKA Aceh…

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20 June 2024

Bangladesh-Myanmar: Honoring Resilience, Reaffirming Commitment to Refugee Rights on World Refugee Day

Bangkok, Thailand, 20 June 2024 – Over the past three years, the crisis in Myanmar, triggered by the military coup…

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Myanmar: Examining Myanmar’s Refugee Situation and ASEAN’s Response

Bangkok, Thailand, 25 June 2024 — Myanmar has a long and oppressive history of harrowing refugee crises and multiple human...

Myanmar: AJAR Commemorates World Refugee Day with Series of Events Highlighting Myanmar Crisis

Chiang Mai, Thailand, 13 June 2024 – Amidst the ongoing crisis in Myanmar, triggered by the military coup in 2021,...

Germany: Challenges and Opportunities for Transitional Justice in Asia Discussed in Berlin 

Germany: Challenges and Opportunities for Transitional Justice in Asia Discussed in Berlin 

Berlin, Germany, 10 June 2024 – How do efforts for accountability and justice after conflict fare in the region where...

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Germany: Indonesian and German Youth Activists Building Transnational Bridges, Solidarity for Remembrance

Germany: Indonesian and German Youth Activists Building Transnational Bridges, Solidarity for Remembrance

Berlin, Germany, 30 May 2024 – In late May 2024, Berlin welcomed a group of eight young human rights activists...

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South Korea: AJAR Shares Insights on Transitional Justice in Southeast Asia at Gwangju Democracy Forum

AJAR’s Regional Advocacy Coordinator, Putri Kanesia, joined a panel of speakers at the Gwangju Democracy Forum (GDF) in South Korea from...

Indonesia: What We, Community Representatives, Learned through Attending Movies that Matter

Indonesia: What We, Community Representatives, Learned through Attending Movies that Matter

This article is written by our friends Yedida Letedara and Crispianus Sebleku of Komunitas Film Kupang. Together, AJAR and the...

Indonesia: AJAR, Komunitas Film Kupang Showcase Documentary of Survivors Stories at Movies that Matter

1 April 2024, The Hague, The Netherlands — A selection of documentary film projects on human rights and social or...

Bangladesh: Aceh Civil Society Visits Cox’s Bazar to Bridge Rohingya Relief Efforts in the Region

For years, Rohingya refugees have risked their lives on perilous sea journeys from Myanmar and Bangladesh, desperately seeking safety and...