Asia Justice and Rights believes that peace and democracy can only be sustained if impunity, corruption, denial of the truth about past violations are addressed. We aim to equip both local and national actors with the necessary skills, knowledge and resources for their long-term efforts to strengthen accountability.
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Indonesia: Anak Muda di Kamp Eks Timor Timur, Merajut Nasib pada Negeri yang Dijanjikan
1 year ago – Puluhan anak-anak muda eks Timor Timur di Kupang berkumpul dan dengan bangga menuturkan kisah hidup mereka dalam sebuah pameran karya bertajuk “Merajut Nasib pada Sepetak Tanah di Negeri yang Dijanjikan”.…
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Unlearning Impunity
AJAR is strongly committed to linking countries transitioning from various situations such as war, dictatorship or where human rights violations have occurred.
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