59 Results
Bertahan dalam Impunitas di Masa Corona: Survei Kondisi Korban Pelanggaran HAM Menghadapi Pandemi COVID-19 di Indonesia
Selama April hingga pertengahan Mei 2020, Asia Justice and Rights..
Statement on Rohingya Refugees at Sea
The Asia Justice Coalition – a network of organizations that..
‘Centro Nacional Chega!:Time to Focus on Survivors’ Policy Paper Launch on the Second-Year Anniversary of the Centro Nacional Chega!
Second-Year Anniversary of the Centro Nacional Chega! Keeping the Promise..
Centro Nacional Chega!: Time to Focus on Survivors
When Prime Minister Rui de Araujo signed a decree-law establishing..
I Am Here: Voices of Papuan Women in the Face of Unrelenting Violence
This publication, 'Sa Ada Di Sini: Suara Perempuan Papua Menghadapi..
Twenty Lessons from Twenty Years of Transitional Justice in Asia
According to the United Nations, the term transitional justice (TJ)..
Transitional Justice: Timor-Leste Case Study
Like other parts of the Portuguese empire, East Timor remained..
Transitional Justice: Thailand Case Study
Since 2005, Thailand has faced persistent political conflict stemming from..
Transitional Justice: Sri Lanka Case Study
Sri Lanka’s civil war, often framed by the state as..