Universal Periodic Review – Human Rights Situation in Indonesia: Violence Against Women in Papua

4th Cycle, 41st Session (7-18 November 2022)

This report is a joint submission of several NGOs working on women’s human rights and related issues in Papua. The organizations that have contributed to this report are Papuan Women’s Working Group (PWG), Asia Justice and Rights, KPKC Sinode GKI Tanah Papua, ELSHAM Papua, eL_AdPPer, LBH Kaki Abu, PUSAKA, JUBI, Koalisi Perempuan Bergerak Selamatkan Manusia Papua, Yayasan Harapan Ibu, P3W GKI, JERAT PAPUA, Yadupa, Fransiscans International.

The human rights issues addressed in this report include the rights of indigenous women in Papua; women’s rights, violence against women in conflict and post-conflict situations, internally displaced persons; access to health, women human rights defenders, and indigenous women’s access to ancestral lands.

In the 3rd UPR Cycle, the Government of Indonesia (GoI) accepted several recommendations with regard to the human rights situation in Papua and other recommendations which are relevant for Papua. We commend their acceptance and we appreciate the efforts taken for their implementations. Based on our experience, however, the current human rights situation in the region is worsening.