Dili, Timor-Leste, 27 March 2024 — At the end of March, Asia Justice and Rights assisted the Centro Nacional Chega! (CNC), in cooperation with UNESCO and the Ministry of Education, in facilitating training for 27 teachers from 13 municipalities who teach history in their respective schools. This training was part of the effort to develop a training module for history teachers, the content of which is to implement CAVR’s recommendations on teaching the history of human rights violations to promote reconciliation and peace in the near future.
During the two days, 25-26 March, the teachers learned about the importance of teaching the history of Timor-Leste, which spanning the Pre-colonial, Colonialism, World War II, the Struggle for Independence, and the Restoration of Independence. They also explored methods for teaching historical events to instill a culture of human rights among students, thereby actively contributing to Sustainable Development Goals and fostering global citizenship.
“We are delighted to have participated in this training. Beyond learning about our national history, we’ve gained insights into how history education can shape students. We hope for the continuation of such training,” remarked Maria Pereira, a teacher from EBC Laulara, Aileu.”