Since November 2015, Asia Justice and Rights (AJAR) has worked with the Papuan Women Working Group (PWG), consisting of women activists, religious leaders and human rights organisations, with the goal to understand deeper the experiences of women victims of violence in the provinces of Papua and West Papua. The findings of our participatory action research with indigenous Papuan women are found in our report “SA ADA DI SINI: Suara Perempuan Papua Menghadapi Kekerasan yang Tak Kunjung Usai” (I AM HERE: Voices of Papuan Women in the Face of Unrelenting Violence).
To share our findings with the wider public, AJAR held two events in Jakarta. The first one was a two-day Papuan women’s awareness campaign at the Goethe Institute in Jakarta, 7-8 October 2017, which featured a photo exhibition, panel discussions, a film screening of “Sa Ada Di Sini,” a music and arts night featuring Papuan artists and a noken workshop. The second event was a public discussion at the Lembaga Ilmu Pengetahuan Indonesia (LIPI – the Indonesian Institute of Sciences), involving academics, government staff, and civil society members.