News & Updates 5 October 2014

Reclaiming Indonesia: Report launch on ‘40 Years of Violence’

After played an active role in the 18-month “Year of Truth” campaign, under the Coalition for Justice and Truth (KKPK) in 2013-2014 –which is effectively create a new space for victims to voicing their experiences and highlighting the link between impunity and the denial of ongoing issues in Indonesia, AJAR continuing its role in analysis and report writing of the campaign. The report, titled “Menemukan Kembali Indonesia” (Reclaiming Indonesia), reveals the findings and recommendations addressed to all parties to contribute in fulfillments of victim’s rights. The report also documents testimonies from total 72 victims who gave their experiences during Public Hearings. AJAR and members of KKPK has collected and recorded the various forms of violence that stretched over decades and found that various kinds of violence has been shackled daily life, institutionalized and entrenched. The report, therefore, has significant contribution in understanding patterns and root causes of the violations.

The report was launched on October 5, 2014 in Jakarta. More than 450 audiences ranged from victims of human rights violations, activists, students, journalists, and government officials as well as prominent leaders of the nation were attended the event. Galuh Wandita, AJAR Indonesia Director, presented findings and root causes of the violence as well as recommendations. Some of the audiences were impressed by the report and expressed that the report was the first effort that made in linking violence from various issues as a perspective to find pattern of violence and impunity in Indonesia.