A regional NGO working to strengthen accountability and human rights in Asia-Pacific

Asia Justice and Rights believes that peace and democracy can only be sustained if impunity, corruption, denial of the truth about past violations are addressed. We aim to equip both local and national actors with the necessary skills, knowledge and resources for their long-term efforts to strengthen accountability.

7,984 ++ people
Engaged in AJAR’s programs
141 ++ activities
in Online and Offline Platform
30 ++ projects
across Four Countries
26 ++ products
in Various Audiovisual Medium


Indonesia/Timor-Leste:  16 Tahun Laporan “Per Memoriam Ad Spem” —  Mengenang Harapan yang Tetap Ada, Di Tengah Komitmen yang Hilang

Indonesia/Timor-Leste: 16 Tahun Laporan “Per Memoriam Ad Spem” — Mengenang Harapan yang Tetap Ada, Di Tengah Komitmen yang Hilang

Jakarta, Indonesia, 15 Juli 2024 – 16 tahun telah berlalu sejak Komisi Kebenaran dan Persahabatan (KKP) Indonesia-Timor-Leste menyerahkan Laporan Akhir…

Transitional Justice Course: Innovations and Emerging Best Practices for Accountability and Peace in Asia-Pacific

Course Background Across Asia-Pacific, advocates for truth and justice are facing unprecedented challenges in this post-Covid era. The pandemic was…

Indonesia/Malaysia/Thailand: New Report from Rohingya Oral Histories Portrayed Urgent Need for Regional Action on Refugee Crisis

Indonesia/Malaysia/Thailand: New Report from Rohingya Oral Histories Portrayed Urgent Need for Regional Action on Refugee Crisis

“When I looked up, I could only see the sky wherever I looked, and when I looked down, it was…

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Strengthening regional transitional justice networks and south-south linkages

Asia Justice and Rights is strongly committed to linking countries transitioning from various situations where human rights violations have occurred — focusing our work in places attempting to build a stable democratic base following prolonged conflict or authoritarian rule. We are committed to linking countries transitioning from various situations such as war, dictatorship or where human rights violations have occurred.

Discover Where We Work

Groundbreaking Research and Innovative Practices

Asia Justice and Rights produce publications drawing on years of experience working on conflict and peace-building. Alongside our partners, we have worked to document human rights violations, worked with transitional justice organisations and victims/survivors in order to know how to deal with the challenges of justice and rights.

Let’s stand together against injustice.

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