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Memorialisation: “Human Rights Walk” on International Youth Day of 12 August and Aceh Day of Peace, 15 August 2023

The participants started near the iconic Baiturrahman Mosque, where the former deputy governor T. Djohan was shot on 10 May 2001, after attending dusk prayers. They then proceeded to the former site of the Keudah prison, where one survivor who managed to climb out of the drowned building during the 2004 tsunami was Irwandi Yusuf, who was later elected as Aceh’s first post-peace governor.

The next site was at the intersection of a mosque where the chancellor of the Syiah Kuala University, Dayan Dawood, was gunned down, also in 2001, on 6 September; only a year after the assassination of another chancellor, Safwan Idris of the Ar-Raniry University, in his official residence within the university compound. One of two assailants posing as students shot him at close range on the morning of 16 September 2000 in his living room.