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About Us

4. about us _ backgorund

EU-funded program to strengthen accountability for mass human rights violations by empowering and linking victims and civil society groups to build social movements for peace and reform in Indonesia, Thailand, Timor Leste and the Solomon Islands. 

Led by Asia Justice and Rights (AJAR) together with partners of Cross-Cultural Foundation CrCF), Association Chega Ba Ita (ACbit) and The Commission of Disappeared and Victims of Violence Aceh (KontraS Aceh) and the Solomon Islands Trauma Healing Association (SITHA) engaging with Transitional Justice Asia Network (TJAN) in the areas of Indonesia, Thailand, Timor Leste and the Solomon Islands. AJAR is a regional NGO working to strengthen accountability and human rights in Asia-Pacific, providing support for sharing knowledge with partners.

Our Work

Victims, their families and victim groups increase their capacity to sustain movements for accountability and peace

Civil society develops effective advocacy strategies to address the root causes of conflict as identified by the findings and recommendations of transitional justice mechanisms

Key government agencies and human rights bodies improve understanding and commitment to accountability and institutional reform to prevent human rights violations and repetition of violence and discrimination

Beneficiaries Count

Members of CSO

Victims of whom 233 are women, and also members of their families and communities – participated in workshops and benefitted from trauma healing sessions.

From 300 organisations across the four countries participated in advocacy and campaign efforts related to peacebuilding and transitional justice.

Participated in transitional justice capacity building activities and acknowledge the recomendation of PB and TJ mechanism to support institutional reform agenda.